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Development of polyethylene (PE) thermal shrinkage film

Article Source:en.xindapacking.com

Published Time:2016/6/22 10:22:44

As a kind of low cost, high production efficiency, excellent appearance and efficient logistics, PE thermal shrinkage film has been widely used in the field of beverage and beer in the developed countries.

At present, China's beer industry PE shrink film annual use of about 100 thousand to 150 thousand tons, about 50% of the carbonated drinks, 20% of the heat canned drinks, 15% of bottled water and 8% ~ 5% of the beer market share. With the rapid development of the beverage, beer industry and the increase in the market share of PE shrink film, is expected in 2010 China's annual use of PE shrink film will be more than 600 thousand tons, becoming the world's largest PE thermal shrinkage film market. Printed PE shrink film about the use of the amount of 2000~2500 tons, accounting for only about 2% of the market share of PE shrink film, about 50% of the market share in Europe is very far away, great potential. As the main consumption areas polyethylene plastic film, due to its multi should be used for the terminal consumption and transport links, the development of the relationship between the demand growth and domestic economic situation as a whole greatly, the basic maintained slightly higher than the growth of GDP, the growth momentum and stability, rigid demand. From the soft packaging film production statistics, since 2006, an average of 13% of the rate increase, but also confirms the steady growth of plastic film. Another important area of polyethylene consumption is the plastic pipe, its production is also increasing with the accelerated pace of China's urbanization, increasing the implementation of municipal pipeline construction projects continue to increase.

